The movie depicts the before, during and after the tsunami happen. It was a devastating events and i would like to express my condolences to the affected ones. Some scenes was shocking as we don't see this happen all the time. It acts like a wake up call in one way or another. In the other hand, some scenes show the love and care family and strangers shared during the good and bad times. Overall, it was a really touching film.
I am a Buddhism Asian, so my knowledge of Asian culture is quite developed since young. When i saw the scene where the white journalist giving a hard time to the monks' action- burning corpses, i was at first angry at him but after awhile i just realized that he was brought up in the west, their culture was different. They mistaken the monks which they burnt corpses to clear space but actually it is a believe when someone pass away, the body need to be burnt so that the soul will be released from the body to reborn. That when i realized it was actually a culture clash. The white journalist has a low context of the Asian culture as he was new to the country and he will not know what we do is right or wrong.

I saw a scene which one of the actress said that she believed in god, and it is something that she can trust to keep her safe every night when she is asleep. I am an agnostic (free-thinker). I don't know if god exists but when i saw this scene, i was moved. Now i know one of many reasons why my mother believe is so devoted in buddhism, why she bother to go to the temple to do prayers and give offerings, why on special occasion she willing to wake up so early to prepare a feast for someone is worship so greatly. She believes gods exist and they are guiding her on the long and winding road to enlighten. I realized that believing in gods is a type of motivation, a motivation that can help us through good and bad times, they tell us not to lose hope and keep our spirit high. For me, i believe in myself. We need to pull ourself through the bad times and enjoy the good times. What we do is all that matter and we need to bear any consequences. I believe that my parents are gods, they create and give me this life, they brought me up and taught me what's right and wrong. They are always there for me when i needed them the most, the good or bad times.
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